Distribution stack chart


Dates are represented by cells stacked on each other which create a distribution chart. Whole chart can be then colored by specific rules.

How to create a Distribution stack chart?

  1. Add Formula analysis:
    • Create brackets with if() formulas e.g.;
      if(fx:s1<0, year(), null())
      if(fx:s1>=0 & fx:s1<20, year(), null())
      if(fx:s1>=20, year(), null())
  2. Add Cross sampling:
    • Add Calculations 'Last' and enough Nth last values to cover the elements + 2-3 spares.
    • Create group with bracket-series.
  3. Add Transpose to flip data. Include only 'Nth las values' for Brackets group.
  4. Add Bar chart.
    • Open Graph layout (Ctrl+L). Mark brackets series and use 'Add new Text column' > 'One column per series per value'.
    • To remove all n/a go to Column defaults tab > Default cell text > Edit, paste in:
      {s .Value -m " "}
    • Go to Chart properties > Appearance > check 'Reversed' to flip chart.
    • Go to Chart properties > Chart elements > Rules to apply colors.


New houses

See the distribution of years (with date) by number of starts of new house construction.

Equity return

We show here distribution of years by S&P 500 index YoY growth rates. Years were divided into four groups and colored to make it easier to read the chart.