- Storing documents
- Presentation document
- Copy and Refresh in an Office document
- Exporting charts as images
- Publish your work
You’ve found the data, added it to a document, maybe even performed a few calculations and adjusted the appearance of your charts or tables. This is great! But now you need to present your work, whether it’s to colleagues or clients, in a PowerPoint, a print or digital publication or even online. This article will introduce you to the options for saving, sharing, presenting, and publishing, as well as keeping your work updated and relevant to avoid re-creating the same documents from scratch.
Storing documents
Your work can be stored, shared, re-used, and updated when you save it, whether you do so internally or to Macrobond servers. You can save to personal, department or company account. A great benefit is that any of your colleagues can understand what data was used, which calculations were performed and even duplicate documents to build something new. This can all be done from any computer running the application. For sensitive or private work, you can always save documents to your personal Macrobond account, so that you have the benefit of continuity, while maintaining privacy.
Presentation document
Using Presentation documents is an efficient way to organize and present collections of charts. Charts can be sorted into various folders and pages within a Presentation document. Because Presentation documents open in a separate window, outside the application, this gives you the flexibility and control to present charts in an environment fit for purpose, where navigating between topics by folder, pages or charts is simple. An added benefit is that any changes to charts made in the application are displayed in real-time in the Presentation document window. For more about this feature check Presentation documents.
Copy and Refresh in an Office document
For those of you who use Office documents to share or present your work, the Copy/Paste function is a quick and effortless way of doing so. Because Macrobond is fully integrated with Word, PowerPoint, and Excel you can easily update the data in a single chart or entire document, via the 'Refresh' button.
For the charts you’ve already placed in Office documents, there’s a very simple way of making changes. By double clicking on the chart, you open it in the application and the changes you make will automatically be reflected in the ‘chart saved to the Office document to’.
Exporting charts as images
To export charts or tables for use in print and digital publications, you have a number of different file formats to choose from. Which you choose depends on how the file will be used.
Publish your work
And finally, for a more instantaneous sort of publication, you can either tweet your charts straight from the application using 'Send to X' option or use the web publish function to generate a URL or HTML code for publication on a website or blog. For more about this see Publishing charts on X.
Under 'Send to X' there's also option 'Send to LinkedIn', which working on similar terms, for more about this see Publishing charts on LinkedIn.
Finally there's Web publish feature which allows to publish charts fast and simple, for more about this see Web Publish.