Animated charts

This feature was first introduced in Macrobond 1.28 and later. Major improvements were added in 1.29. Overview How to create animated charts? Preview on chart Elements of animation Animation formats How to show it to others? Copy special (SVG) File > Export image or video (SVG, GIF, MP4) LinkedIn Animation in version 1.28 Style sheet … Continue reading “Animated charts”

Copying & pasting charts

Copy Copy special Metafile and Macrobond Document object Bitmap SVG Copy image with document link Copy special favorites Copy as a link (image linked to a document) How to export images and animations? Other functions Paste Edit Editing linked charts Refresh Copy Right-click on your chart and choose Copy. Then, open another program (i.e., Word … Continue reading “Copying & pasting charts”

The Macrobond Chart Server

Introduction Requirements Installation Working with Chart Server Configuration Operations Introduction The Macrobond Chart Server delivers images of Macrobond charts in either PNG or SVG format. The server uses the same components as the Macrobond client application and will render exactly the same image over http as you would see in the client application. The server runs as … Continue reading “The Macrobond Chart Server”

Publishing charts on LinkedIn

How to send a chart? 1.29 additions Connecting account Disconnecting account (revoke access) Privacy How to send a chart? You can send charts that you’ve made in Macrobond directly from the application to LinkedIn. Here’s how: Start with the Macrobond document opened and the chart you want to publish selected in the analysis tree. Go … Continue reading “Publishing charts on LinkedIn”


This feature is available in Macrobond 1.28 and later. Overview Color and style settings Tooltip on charts on SVG files Overview This feature is available in Macrobond 1.28 and later. Tooltip appears when you hover over any point. They contain information about point-in-time, description, value and (optional) title. Color and style settings All the colors … Continue reading “Tooltip”