The Macrobond API for R


Macrobond offers an API that can be used in R for Windows. You can download time series (values, dates and metadata) and upload your own series to the in-house database which can then be used in the Macrobond application and optionally shared with others.

This document refers to Macrobond application version 1.27 and later and Macrobond API for R version 1.2-8. Examples were tested on R 4.3.0.


The API requires Macrobond to be installed and functioning on the computer where R is run.

Package version

We provide a package for R 3.5 - 4.4. If you are running the 64-bit version of R, you need to use the 64-bit version of Macrobond. We have tested our package with various R versions and recommend to use:

for R 3.5.0 - 4.1.0 Macrobond API 1.1-5
for R 4.2.0 - 4.4.0 Macrobond API 1.2-8

The Macrobond API uses the xts package and requires at least version 0.9-7 of that package.

Macrobond license and main app version

This API can be used only with Legacy (without searching and revision history functions) or Data+ license.

R in other programs

Note we test that the API works with R.exe and RGui.exe. When R is used as an embedded component in other programs, it might or might not work. You need to test this yourself and we can only give limited support in those cases.


The Macrobond R API comes in the form of an R binary package called 'MacrobondAPI' from the Macrobond repository at (you cannot browse to that URL). Here are two ways to install the Macrobond API package.

These methods always download the newest version of our package. If you have older R version, please check here if you need an older Macrobond API package for your R version. If yes, please contact our support for further instructions.

Method 1: Add the Macrobond repository to the list of repositories

You can add this repository to the list of repositories that R will search in various ways. One option is to use the command:

setRepositories(addURLs = c(Macrobond = ""))

or add the repository to the configuration file. See ?setRepositories for details.

Once you have added the Macrobond repository to your list of repositories, you can just run this R command:

install.packages("MacrobondAPI", type="win.binary")

Method 2: Explicitly specify the repository

  1. Restart R
  2. If you do not have 'xts' installed, install it by

    If you have 'xts' installed, make sure you have the latest version by running

  3. Install the MacrobondAPI package by running
    install.packages("MacrobondAPI", type="win.binary", repos="")

Upgrading the Macrobond API

  1. Restart R
  2. Run
    update.packages(repos="", type="win.binary")

We urge you to keep your Macrobond API for R up to date. We also suggest that you periodically upgrade the Macrobond application as described here.

Getting Started

To successfully use the API, you might want to learn more about the Commonly used  metadata.

Working with R API

Once you have installed the Macrobond API package, you can view the documentation from R like this:


You can also view documentation for a specific function directly with:


While using help available directly from within R - as described above - is the recommended way of reading the Macrobond R API documentation, you can also view it online (list of commands).

Time series

Download one series


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

#check that the series loaded OK 
if (getIsError(seriesGdp)) 

Download one series wrapped in ratio (#PerCapita)

Use the #PerCapita ratio to get a series of the US GDP per capita. For more information about this functionality see Ratios.


seriesGdpPerCapita <- FetchOneTimeSeries("#PerCapita(usgdp)")

Download several series, transform them to a common length and calendar

You need to use addSeries for each series. This allows you to access the settings object for each requested series. By default, the highest frequency of the series and the union on the ranges will be used.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()

addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp")
addSeries(seriesRequest, "uscpi")

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)

Download series and set start year

This will download two series and convert them to the higher frequency. The data range is set to start year 2020 and continue until the last observation that has data in both series. You can also set relative date like "-5y" or "-10" (observations). For more information see SeriesRequest-class.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()
setStartDate(seriesRequest, "2020-01-01")

seriesAll <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp")
seriesAll <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "uscpi")

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)

Download series and set common start Date and end Date

For all available 'MissingValue' methods see CalendarDateMode.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest() 

#set the start to the first point where data is available in all series 
setStartDateMode(seriesRequest, "DataInAllSeries") 

#set the end to the last point where data is available in all series 
setEndDateMode(seriesRequest, "DataInAllSeries") 

#or you can write:
#setStartDateMode(seriesRequest, CalendarDateMode[["DataInAllSeries"]]) 
#setEndDateMode(seriesRequest, CalendarDateMode[["DataInAllSeries"]]) 

addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp") 
addSeries(seriesRequest, "uscpi") 

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)

Download several series, change frequency, and set missing value method

For all available 'MissingValue' methods see Missing value methods.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()
setFrequency(seriesRequest, "Monthly")

seriesAll <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp")
seriesAll <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "uscpi")

setMissingValueMethod(seriesAll, "None")

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)

Download series and convert it with 'to higher frequency' method

For all available 'ToHigher' methods see To higher frequency methods.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()
setFrequency(seriesRequest, "Weekly")

seriesAll<-addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp")
seriesAll <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "uscpi")

setToHigherFrequencyMethod(seriesAll, "LinearInterpolation")

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)

Download series, convert frequency with 'to lower frequency' method and set one currency

For all available 'ToLower' methods see To lower frequency methods.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()

setFrequency(seriesRequest, "Annual")
setCurrency(seriesRequest, "chf")

seriesAll<-addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp")
seriesAll <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "chgdp")

setToLowerFrequencyMethod(seriesAll, "Last")

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)

Download series, convert frequency and fill in partial periods

For all available 'PartialPeriods' methods see TimeSeriesPartialPeriodsMethod.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()
setFrequency(seriesRequest, "Quarterly")

series <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "uscpi")
setPartialPeriodsMethod(series, "RepeatLastValue")

seriesCPI <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)

Download series, and set calendar mode

For all available 'CalendarMode' methods see CalendarMergeMode.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest() 

#all holidays will always be included as missing values instead of being skipped in the calendar 
#or you can write: setCalendarMergeMode(seriesRequest, CalendarMergeMode[["FullCalendar"]]) 

addSeries(seriesRequest, "usfcst3898") 
addSeries(seriesRequest, "eur") 

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest) 

Get values and dates

Obtain separate vectors with values and dates.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

vectorOfValues <- getValues(seriesGdp)
vectorOfObservationDates <- getDatesAtStartOfPeriod(seriesGdp)


Create and upload a series with only one value

Normally it's not possible to create series with only one value because "The values must be specified as an array". But see below workaround:


seriesNew <- CreateTimeSeriesObject("ih:mb:priv:s2", "My forecast", "de", "Financial", "Monthly", as.Date("1990-01-01"), list(2))

Create and upload a monthly series


seriesNew <- CreateTimeSeriesObject("ih:mb:priv:s1", "My forecast", "us", "Forecasts", "Monthly", as.Date("1990-01-01"), c(12.2, 12.7, 12.8, 13.0))


To see series in Macrobond main app after uploading please refresh Account in-house tree in Macrobond with rounded arrow icon.

Create and upload a daily series with currency metadata

The default value for 'dayMask' parameter is "MondayToFriday". For the list of all available parameters see TimeSeriesWeekdays.


meta <- CreateEmptyMetadata()
addMetadataValue(meta, "Currency", "eur")

seriesNew <- CreateTimeSeriesObject("ih:mb:priv:s2", "My forecast", "de", "Financial", "Daily", as.Date("1990-01-01"), c(12.2, 12.7, 12.8, 13.0, 12.2, 13.1, 14.4),"FullWeek", meta)


To see series in Macrobond main app after uploading please refresh Account in-house tree in Macrobond with rounded arrow icon.

Create and upload a monthly series with flagged forecast

seriesNew <- CreateTimeSeriesObjectWithForecastFlags("ih:mb:priv:s1", "My forecast", "us", "Forecasts", "Monthly", as.Date("2022-11-01"), c(12.2, 12.7, 12.8, 13.0), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))


To see series in Macrobond main app after uploading please refresh Account in-house tree in Macrobond with rounded arrow icon.

Append new value to in-house

First create an in-house time series - s1, that step is needed only once. It'll fetch that in-house series, add to it value 123 at a specific date, then upload it.


mySeries <- FetchOneTimeSeries("ih:mb:priv:s1")

values = getValues(mySeries)
values[getIndexAtDate(mySeries,as.Date("1990-11-01"))] <- 123

seriesNew = CreateTimeSeriesObject("ih:mb:priv:s1", "My forecast", "us", "Forecasts", "Monthly", as.Date("1990-01-01"), values )

How to automatically update in-house from my R-file?

There is no such function in MB API, we recommend to use taskscheduleR package or use built-in schedulers.

Delete a series




See Commonly used metadata.

How to see series metadata?

List metadata available for a series.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")
meta <- getMetadata(seriesGdp)


How to see specific metadata?

To see other metadata replace text in last line's quotation marks:


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

getMetadataValues(getMetadata(seriesGdp), "LastModifiedTimeStamp")

Get information about the metadata attribute

All possible commands can be found under MetadataInformation.


#get information about the TimeDim metadata attribute
metaInfo <- GetMetadataInformation("TimeDim")

show(metaInfo) #information about metadata
listAllValues(metaInfo) #list of versions of this metadata


Get series title


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")


Get the presentation text for a region code

This will get information about the metadata type called 'Region' and then get the presentation text for the region called 'us'. The result will be the string 'United States'.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

meta <- GetMetadataInformation("Region")
country <- getMetadataValues(getMetadata(seriesGdp), "Region")

getValuePresentationText(meta, country)

Get currency metadata from a series


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

metaGdp <- getMetadata(seriesGdp)
currency <- getFirstMetadataValue(metaGdp, "Currency")


Get a list of all currencies

This will get information about the metadata type called 'Currency' and list all available currency codes.


metaInfo <- GetMetadataInformation("Currency")


Get name of release

The name of the release is a metadata property of the time series. The release has a corresponding "entity" in the database.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

metaGdp <- getMetadata(seriesGdp)
releaseGdpName <- getFirstMetadataValue(metaGdp, "Release")


Get the next release date

The NextReleaseEventTime attribute contains information about the next scheduled release of updated series. The date might be missing if no release date is known.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

metaGdp <- getMetadata(seriesGdp)
releaseGdpName <- getFirstMetadataValue(metaGdp, "Release")

if (!is.null(releaseGdpName))
  releaseGdp <- FetchOneEntity(releaseGdpName)
  getFirstMetadataValue(getMetadata(releaseGdp), "NextReleaseEventTime")

Get next publication date

Some series have 'NextReleaseEventTime' metadata but some don't. Then it's the best to use 'CalendarUrl' metadata connected to Release metadata.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

metaGdp <- getMetadata(seriesGdp)
releaseGdpName <- getFirstMetadataValue(metaGdp, "Release")

if (!is.null(releaseGdpName))
  releaseGdp <- FetchOneEntity(releaseGdpName)
  getFirstMetadataValue(getMetadata(releaseGdp), "CalendarUrl")

How to know if series is discontinued?

EntityState = 0 means series is active
EntityState = 4 means series is discontinued


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

getMetadataValues(getMetadata(seriesGdp), "EntityState")

How to handle double region?

Some series have two regions and they do not display properly when you ask for Region metadata in R because of it. We have two solutions:


series <- FetchOneTimeSeries("eea_8_579")

metaRegion <- GetMetadataInformation("Region")
meta <- getMetadata(series)

for (singleRegion in getMetadataValues(meta, name = "Region") ){
  print(getValuePresentationText(metaRegion, singleRegion ) )

series <- FetchOneTimeSeries("eea_8_579")

metaRegion <- GetMetadataInformation("Region")
meta <- getMetadata(series)

paste(lapply(getMetadataValues(meta, name = "Region"), getValuePresentationText,m=metaRegion),collapse = ", ")

#to get country you can use to this code:
getValuePresentationText(metaRegion, getMetadataValues(meta, name = "Region")[1])

Unfortunately you cannot be sure that from two attributes country always the first element. If you really want to find the region, the best option right now is to look for the region where RegionType="country". In future versions there will be a "ArrangeValues" method you can use sort them.

Concept/Region key

Some of our series are connected with each other through metadata called Region Key. If you know it, you can find series for other countries/regions. In main-app you can see those data sets under Concept & Region data tree.

Get 'concept' from a series



In the output you will see:

RegionKey              busc_mb : Macrobond Defined, Business Cycle

The busc_mb is a Region key.

Get 'concept' description


series <- FetchOneTimeSeries("uscpi")


Use 'concept' to reference a series



Use 'concepts' to find series for several countries


ks <- function(type, region) paste0(":Region:", type, "[Region=", region, "]")
rs <- function(region) FetchTimeSeries(c(ks("cpi_total", region), ks("gdp_total", region), ks("trade_balance", region)))

#this will download three series for United States

#this will download the corresponding three series for Great Britain

#this will download all three series for both countries
rs(c("gb", "us"))


The number of results returned by MacrobondAPI::SearchEntities is limited to 12,000 without search text (only filters) and 6,000 with search text. If you’re experiencing result truncation – please provide more precise search criteria.

To see how to use search function in creating charts go to Circular bar chart (incl. automated search) and Choropleth map (incl. automated search).

Generate search code in Macrobond main app

When you input a query into search field in Macrobond’s Search tab, you can then generate a ready-to-use code for search in R:

Simple search query

This method requires a Data+ license.


query <- CreateSearchQuery()
setSearchText(query, "germany cpi")
entities <- SearchEntities(query)

Search for 'concept' based on a series, download whole data set

This method requires a Data+ license.



#get the concept of a series and create search query based on it
query <- CreateSearchQuery() 
setEntityTypeFilter(query, "TimeSeries") 
addAttributeValueFilter(query, "RegionKey", getConcepts(series)) 
country_set <- getEntities(SearchEntities(query))

#create empty vector

#get list of series' codes
for (i in country_set){
  list_of_series<-append(list_of_series, getName(i))

Search for specific time series defined by the 'concept' and download them

This method requires a Data+ license.

Search for time series defined for the concept 'gdp_total' for four countries (based on List of countries and regions) and then download those series.


gdp_names <- SearchByConcept(c("us", "gb", "jp", "cn"), "gdp_total")

series <- FetchUnifiedTimeSeriesDefault(gdp_names)

Search for series of a specific industry sector

This example only works with Data+ license.

This will select the Companies where IcbClassification=icb2713 (Aerospace).


query <- CreateSearchQuery() 

setEntityTypeFilter(query, "Company")
addAttributeValueFilter(query, "IcbClassification", "icb_2713") 

dataset <- getEntities(SearchEntities(query))

#create empty vector

#get list of series' codes
for (i in dataset){
  list_of_series<-append(list_of_series, getName(i))


Search for series closing prices and traded volume for companies of a specific industry sector

This example only works with Data+ license.

Search for series closing prices and traded volume for companies of a specific industry sector.
The first query will select the Companies where IcbClassification=icb2713 (Aerospace).

The second query (querySecurity) will find all securities where CompanyKey=main_equity and has the Company equal to one of the companies in the result of the first query.

The third query called queryCloseSeries will find all series where DataType=close and has the Security equal to one of the securities found by the previous filter.
The fourth query, volume series are found in an analogous way.


query <- CreateSearchQuery() 
setEntityTypeFilter(query, "Company")
addAttributeValueFilter(query, "IcbClassification", "icb_2713") 

querySecurity <- CreateSearchQuery() 
setEntityTypeFilter(querySecurity, "Security")
addAttributeValueFilter(querySecurity, "CompanyKey", "main_equity") 

queryCloseSeries <- CreateSearchQuery() 
setEntityTypeFilter(queryCloseSeries, "TimeSeries")
addAttributeValueFilter(queryCloseSeries, "DataType", "close") 

querySeriesVolume <- CreateSearchQuery() 
setEntityTypeFilter(querySeriesVolume, "TimeSeries")
addAttributeValueFilter(querySeriesVolume, "PriceType", "vl")

entities_close <- SearchEntities(c(query, querySecurity, queryCloseSeries))
entities_volume <- SearchEntities(c(query, querySecurity, querySeriesVolume))


Search for series with free text and exclude a source

This method requires a Data+ license.

Search for time series, that are seasonally adjusted, belongs to the region us or de and matches the free text 'steel production'. Exclude series from the source World Steel Association.

To get metadata code use How to see specific metadata?.


query <- CreateSearchQuery()

setEntityTypeFilter(query, "TimeSeries")
setSearchText(query, "steel production")

addAttributeFilter(query, "SeasonAdj")
addAttributeValueFilter(query, "Region", c("us", "de"))
addAttributeValueFilter(query, "Source", "src_worldsteel", FALSE)

entities <- SearchEntities(query)


To see how to use this feature in creating charts go to Slope chart (incl. vintage/revision data).

Get all available revisions

This method requires a Data+ license.



Get timestamps of each value in the current series

This method requires a Data+ license.



Get the vintage series that shows what it looked like at specific point in time

This method requires a Data+ license.


seriesWithRevisions <- FetchOneTimeSeriesWithRevisions("usgdp") 

series2018 <- getVintage(seriesWithRevisions, as.POSIXct("2018-01-01 18:00:00", tz = "EST")) 


Get revision history for original and first release

This method requires a Data+ license.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeriesWithRevisions("usgdp") 

firstRelease <- getNthRelease(seriesGdp, 0) 
secondRelease <- getNthRelease(seriesGdp, 1) 

series.xts <- MakeXtsFromUnifiedResponse(c(firstRelease, secondRelease)) 


Get the timestamps of each value in release

This method requires a Data+ license.


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeriesWithRevisions("usgdp")

firstRelease <- getNthRelease(seriesGdp, 0)



MacrobondAPI for R uses package xts to create its objects and you can convert series to xts objects.

Convert the Macrobond time series object to an xts series


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp") 
seriesGdp.xts <- as.xts(seriesGdp)


Create data frame in one step


seriesGdp.xts <- as.xts(FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp"))

Download one series, create data frame and scale values

We store values in their original form, in single units, i.e., 19699465000000. While our main app transforms these values automatically on Time table/Time chart, R download them in original form, without any formatting. You can scale them by yourself with below code:


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")
seriesGdp.xts <- as.xts(FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp"))

2022-01-01 19.727918
2022-04-01 19.699465

Download one series, set start year, and then create an xts data frame

Set start year for a series and download it with shortened history. It can be modified for more than one series - use this line: addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp") to add more time series.


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()
setStartDate(seriesRequest, "2020-01-01")

addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp")

oneSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)
series.xts <- MakeXtsFromUnifiedResponse(oneSeries)


Download two series, convert them to the same frequency using default settings, and then create an xts data frame


twoSeries <- FetchUnifiedTimeSeriesDefault(c("usgdp", "uscpi"))
series.xts <- MakeXtsFromUnifiedResponse(twoSeries)


Download two series, convert them to quarterly, set missing value method for one of them, and then create an xts data frame


seriesRequest <- CreateUnifiedTimeSeriesRequest()
setFrequency(seriesRequest, "Quarterly")

addSeries(seriesRequest, "usgdp")
seriesExpressionCpi <- addSeries(seriesRequest, "uscpi")
setMissingValueMethod(seriesExpressionCpi, "None")

twoSeries <- FetchTimeSeries(seriesRequest)
series.xts <- MakeXtsFromUnifiedResponse(twoSeries)


Convert series to use them with ggplot2

To go from MacrobondAPI to ggplot2 please use for example below code. For more advanced examples see Charts with R.


#download series
series_pl <- FetchOneTimeSeries("plnaac0195")
series_hu <- FetchOneTimeSeries("hunaac0118")
series_cz <- FetchOneTimeSeries("cznaac0246")
series_ro <- FetchOneTimeSeries("ronaac0012")

#convert them into xts objects
series_pl.xts <- as.xts(series_pl)
series_hu.xts <- as.xts(series_hu)
series_cz.xts <- as.xts(series_cz)
series_ro.xts <- as.xts(series_ro)

#combine them
br<-cbind(series_pl.xts, series_hu.xts,series_cz.xts, series_ro.xts)

#plot one series with ggplot2
ggplot(br, aes(x=plnaac0195, y=Index))+geom_line()

#plot all four series with ggplot2
ggplot(br, aes(y=Index))+
  geom_line(aes(x=plnaac0195, colour="red")) +
  geom_line(aes(x=hunaac0118, colour="blue")) +
  geom_line(aes(x=cznaac0246, colour="black")) +
  geom_line(aes(x=ronaac0012, colour="green"))

Charts with R

Simple plot


seriesGdp <- FetchOneTimeSeries("usgdp")

Outside of Macrobond - charts with R

Under Charts with R you can find examples (with code) how to download and construct certain charts unavailable in Macrobond.

Macrobond version

Some functions are available since a specific version of main application. With this command you can check in R which version you have.



If you're having problems with the Macrobond R connector, please contact us via and:

  • Describe what you’re trying to achieve
  • Include the relevant code you tried to run
  • Provide information about version of Macrobond, R and the Macrobond’s R add–in. To do it, issue those two commands:

and send us the output.


The Macrobond R API uses the license GPL-2. It uses portions of an enhanced version of RDCOMClient. There is a source package available.