Each series has its own metadata containing information about source, frequency, unit, class, currency, inflation adjustment, additional comments, methodology, release dates etc. You can quickly access it from anywhere in the application.
How to access metadata?
Regardless of which Activity tab you are in, the action is always available.
- Click on the relevant time series in the list (one or more), making sure it’s highlighted
- Navigate to the Actions ribbon
- Look to the group of actions available under Presentations
- Select Time series information
You can also use blue 'i' icon in the Action ribbon or right-click on a series in data-tree.
This will automatically open the tab where the metadata is displayed. It will stay there unless you close the specific Time series information tab. When clicking in Browse tab, it will open there, but if you click from anywhere else it will open in Analytics tab as an 'orange' preview window.
See here Browse tab view
Disappearing metadata
If you transform data then metadata like Class no longer applies and will not be visible when you try to check outcome with Time series information. This will also affect other things like Class automatic detection under Seasonal Adjustment Census X-13 analysis, but you can select it manually.