How to run Macrobond on Linux or Mac (iOS)?

There is no Linux version of Macrobond. Please refer to the requirements section.

Macrobond is not an OS X application, it is designed to work on Windows. It is possible to run the application on a Mac, but it requires additional software and a Windows license. Since the solutions vary, we cannot provide support. However, issues on a correctly configured virtual machine, from for example Parallels, are rare.

How to use the automatic proxy configuration tool in Macrobond?

Some networks restrict allowed connections. As such, default network settings in Macrobond may not work when establishing a connection to the Macrobond servers. If this is the case, our built-in Automatic Configuration tool may help with find a working connection.

It can be accessed in the toolbar, choose Configuration (for MB pre-1.28: Edit) and go to Settings:

See here pre-1.28 version view
In the settings window, go to the Communication tab and click on the 'Automated configuration' button.

Clicking 'Run tests' will automatically test several communication options. The process might take a few minutes.

If a working configuration is found, a new button should appear above the Run tests button called 'Use the first configuration that was found'. Clicking it will configure the Macrobond application to work with the configuration which was determined to be the optimal one.

In order to start using the new configuration, click 'OK' and restart the application.

If the test fails please ask your IT to check if resources under this link aren't blocked on your side.


Macrobond stopped supporting unencrypted HTTP communication on 2021-03-16, for more information please click here.