How to disable notification about availability of new versions of Macrobond?

Please use Windows Registry Editor - regedit.exe. In the windows registry add to either HKLM or HKCU, under \Software\Macrobond Financial\AutomaticUpdates\Macrobond the following keys:

DWORD NoUpdateOffer
if set to 1 : if a new version is detected, the user is informed that there is a new version, but is not given the option to upgrade

DWORD IsEnabled
if set to 0 : No checks are made at all

Please note that there’s no way to block Help > Check for update. Macrobond also does not provide a way to prevent user from going to and upgrade from there.

Technical Q&A

Quick answers & simple, step-by-step solutions. For how-to-use application questions see Q&A.

What’s in Macrobond settings in Excel?

The settings dialog box in the Excel add-in allows you to adjust your Macrobond account credentials, communication settings, and document directories directly from the Excel add-in.


In the account tab, your Macrobond username and password, as provided by your sales representative, are stored. These credentials enable access to the database packages included in your license.


In this tab, you can define settings for a proxy server if it is not detected automatically. Additionally, it’s possible to specify the URL of the Macrobond server. In most cases, however, the default option should remain selected.

The "Automated configuration" button lets you test a number of communication configurations to see what works best for your system.

Selecting "Verify end-to-end encryption for https" verifies that the communication is encrypted between the application and the Macrobond servers and detects if anyone is eavesdropping on the communication. The option might not work in some networks where a firewall is configured to intercept and inspect all internet traffic.


The "Enable application logging" option logs more detailed diagnostically relevant information. Because turning on this function may impact application performance negatively, it should only be turned on when prompted by Macrobond support.

Checking "Enable SQL and Web API Series provider database connector log console" activates a popup window providing details about the communication with your SQL server. This option should be used when creating or troubleshooting the SQL in-house data storage.

When the "Collect usage statistics" option is checked, the application will gather anonymous information about the application’s performance and your feature usage. These statistics help us to constantly improve your experience.

Document paths

In this tab, you can specify a location on your computer where you’d like to save the Macrobond documents that you choose to save locally rather than on the Macrobond server. By default, the Macrobond folder is located in your Documents folder.

Furthermore, you can add and name frequently used directories for easy access when opening and saving documents.

What’s in Macrobond settings?

The settings dialog box allows you to adjust your Macrobond account credentials, communication settings, document locations, and some other configurations. Screenshots represent view as of Macrobond 1.30.


In the Account tab, your Macrobond username and password, as provided by your sales representative, are stored. These credentials enable access to the database packages included in your license.

DB Language

Since version 1.30 of Macrobond, we have implemented general release of the application in Chinese language [GA].

If your application version does not allow you to switch the database language yourself, ask your Macrobond representative to activate the Chinese application for you.


In this tab, you can define settings for a proxy server if it is not detected automatically. Additionally, it’s possible to specify the URL of the Macrobond server. In most cases, however, the default option should remain selected.

The ‘Automated configuration’ button lets you test a number of communication configurations to see what works best for your system. See How to use the automatic proxy configuration tool in Macrobond?.

Selecting ‘Verify end-to-end encryption for https’ verifies that the communication is encrypted between the application and the Macrobond servers and detects if anyone is eavesdropping on the communication. The option might not work in some networks where a firewall is configured to intercept and inspect all internet traffic.

My series

In this tab, you can specify external data sources and connect them with the Macrobond application. Read more about connecting to an SQL server here, and about connecting to the Bloomberg Terminal here.


When you save charts in the SVG format, the text will normally be vectorized along with the rest of the image. In this tab, you can select fonts that you don’t want to be vectorized when saving as SVG.

Document paths

In this tab, you can specify a location on your computer where you’d like to save the Macrobond documents that you choose to save locally rather than on the Macrobond server. By default, the Macrobond folder is located in your Documents folder.

Here, you can also add and name frequently used directories for easy access when opening and saving documents.


The "Enable application logging" option logs more detailed diagnostically relevant information. Because turning on this function may impact application performance negatively, it should only be turned on when prompted by Macrobond support.

Checking "Enable SQL and Web API Series Provider connector log console" activates a popup window providing details about the communication with your SQL server. This option should be used when creating or troubleshooting the SQL in-house data storage.

When the "Collect usage statistics" option is checked, the application will gather anonymous information about the application’s performance and your feature usage. These statistics help us to constantly improve your experience.


When you have connected your Macrobond to X and LinkedIn, here you can un-connect with 'Forget' button.

Quick view

Since the release of version 1.30 of Macrobond, we have introduced an enhanced data exploration workflow. Here you can assigned keyboard shortcuts or choose from several operations to open up pre-defined templates.

How to change my password?

Our security policy does not allow you to change the password. We can only reset the password and automatically generate a new one according to our internal password policy (length, special signs etc.).

If you need to reset it or do not remember it, please contact Support.

How to check which version of Macrobond is installed?

In the Macrobond toolbar, go to Help and click on About. Also you can find here name of department, and license type.

In the Macrobond's Start tab, go to lower left corner. Beside the version's number you can find here your type of license.

Each Macrobond version has approx. 2-years life span before it expires. If you want to check if/when your version expires see Product versions and support expiration.

How to sign out/log off of Macrobond?

There is no special button to sign out in Macrobond.

Since Macrobond can be used on two machines, the account is locked to the first two computers on which it is used. The lock can be reset if you need to move to a different machine. If you need to reset the lock, please contact Support.

You can use Clear Settings Wizard to wipe out your credentials. By default it should be located under C:\Program Files\Macrobond Financial\Macrobond