Scatter chart

For elements not mentioned here see Elements of the chart.


A Scatter chart displays pairs of time series as coordinates, where one series is placed on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis. A point represents the value of both series at one point in time.

Chart elements:

  1. Points/Graph
  2. Main title
  3. Graph area
  4. Vertical value axis (y-axis)
  5. Source logo & text
  6. Chart background (outside chart area)
  7. Horizontal value axis (x-axis)
  8. Legend


To edit any one of the scatter plot components, click on it, and the available options will appear at the top of the window, under the presentation properties tab. For more information see Editing text parts of chart.

Graph settings

When you click on any point of the graph, the settings that become available under the presentation properties tab are especially relevant to fine tuning the look of your graph. In the Appearance box, you can customize the style and color of the graph display, for example selecting whether you want a line or markers in the case of a line graph, and the size of the bubbles in the case of a Bubble chart.

Here, you can also limit the time range displayed for the graph you have selected by specifying points in time under Data ranges.

Graph layout

You can access this window by right clicking on the chart and selecting Graph layout.

Here, you can define how the graph should be displayed (line or bubble graph) as well as which series corresponds to which axis.  On the right side of the window, the graphed pairs of series are displayed under a graph type. The first series of each pair is placed on the x-axis and the second one on the y-axis. Click and drag to move them if you want to switch the axes.

Line chart

When graphing the same pair of series twice in a chart (if, for instance, you would like to display two ranges of time in different color) it is important that the series are in the same order, as in the picture above.

Bubble chart

The bubble chart requires a third series to be added last in the list. This third series will define the relative sizes of the bubbles. For more information about this type of chart see Bubble chart.

Chart settings

These settings can be accessed after clicking outside chart area.

Appearance > Margins

This panel of settings manages the distance between elements on the chart. Indentation defines the minimum distance from the leftmost/rightmost side of the chart and the left/right side of the graph area.

What analyses work with this chart type?

All types of analyses which keep time parameter.


Graph samples

In this example we presented available types of charts.


How to change connected line to dots?

Click on the line in the chart and look under the Appearance group in Presentation properties 

Here, you can change the Graph style from Automatic to Custom and choose the style you’d like. You can remove the line between observations by setting its thickness to None and add a Marker style and size.

How to highlight the latest observation?

You can highlight the last observation on a scatter chart in one of three ways, depending on how you would like to highlight it. With option 1, you can circle the point and add text. With options 2 and 3, you can change how the point is plotted, and change its shape, color, or size.

  1. Using an Observation label
    a) Having your scatter chart selected in the analysis tree, right-click on any point and select Add observation label.
    You can also go to Chart annotations > Annotations, select Observation label and click any point on chart to add an observation label.
    b) Double click on a label to change its content. For more information see Dynamic text.
    c) Edit the style of the label by ticking the “Custom style” box under the Presentation properties panel.
  2. Plot the same scatter line again and only show the last value on the chart
    a) Open the Graph Layout and add another Line graph type with the same time series (make sure they are also in the same order).
    b) You will not have a line so you need to turn on markers for that line. Adjust the appearance by changing under Presentation properties > Graph style from Automatic to Custom, selecting Line: None and setting Marker style and its size.
    c) Keep that line selected. To limit the range displayed go to Presentation properties > Data range. You can show only the last value by typing '+0' into both fields.
  3. Use formula language to turn the last value into a forecast, then change how forecast values are presented on the chart
    a) Type the following formula into the Series list or an inserted Formula analysis. This flags value as a forecast when the current observation number is equal to the last valid observation number of that series:

    FlagForecast(fx:s1, Counter(fx:s1)=EndValid(fx:s1))

    b) To change how forecast values are presented click on the graph in the Scatter chart, select Presentation properties > Appearance > Graph style: Custom > Forecast

How to show only one date/value in label?

Our labels use Dynamic text feature. The default text for a label is:

{s .Date -m -s " "}{s .ValueLabel -m -s " "}{s .Value}

On the right, under Dynamic properties, you can find 'All series' drop-down menu. There you can find alias for each series. In Macrobond they are named s1, s2, s3, etc. To show Date or Value for a specific series just add this alias before dynamic text:

{s s1.Date -m -s " "}{s s1.ValueLabel -m -s " "}{s s1.Value}

Category scatter chart

For elements not mentioned here see Elements of the chart.


A Category scatter chart is a scatter chart that displays a pair of category series that has the same category variables.  It displays the series as coordinates, where one series is placed on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis. A point represents the value of both series for one category. It is typically used when displaying the results of a Scalar analysis.

Chart elements:

  1. Points/Graph
  2. Main title
  3. Graph area
  4. Vertical value axis  (y-axis)
  5. Source logo & text
  6. Chart background (outside chart area)
  7. Horizontal value axis (x-axis)
  8. Legend


To edit any one of these components, click on it, and the available options will appear at the top of the window, under the presentation properties tab.

Graph settings

When you click on any point of the graph, the settings that become available under the Presentation properties panel are especially relevant to fine tuning the look of your graph. In the appearance box, you can customize the style and color of the graph display, for example selecting whether you want a line or markers in the case of a line graph, and the size of the bubbles in the case of a bubble chart.

Here, you can also limit the range of categories displayed for the graph you have selected t by specifying category numbers under Data range. You should use the “#” symbol to specify category index values or use relative index values such as -1. The display range #2 to #5, for example, will display the second to the fifth categories, based on their order in the series.

Graph layout

You can access this window by right clicking on the chart and selecting Graph layout (or Ctrl+L).

Here, you can define how the graph should be displayed (line or bubble) as well as which series corresponds to which axis.  On the right side of the window, the graphed pairs of series are displayed under a graph type. The first series of each pair is placed on the x-axis and the second one on the y-axis. Click and drag to move them if you want to switch the axes.

Line chart

When graphing the same pair of series twice in a chart (if, for instance, you would like to display two ranges of time in different color) it is important that the series are in the same order, as in the picture above.

Bubble chart

The bubble chart requires a third series to be added last in the list. This third series will define the relative sizes of the bubbles. For more information about this type of chart see Bubble chart.

Chart settings

These settings can be accessed after clicking outside chart area.

Appearance > Margin

This panel of settings manages the distance between elements on the chart. Indentation defines the minimum distance from the leftmost/rightmost side of the chart and the left/right side of the graph area.

What analyses work with this chart type?

All types of analyses which remove time parameter and turn series into category series or use such series.


Graph samples

In this example we presented available types of charts.


How to change connected line to dots?

Click on the line in the chart and look under the Appearance group in Presentation properties 

Here, you can change the Graph style from Automatic to Custom and choose the style you’d like. You can remove the line between observations by setting its thickness to None and add a Marker style and size.

How to highlight an observation?

You can highlight observation on a category scatter chart in one of three ways, depending on how you would like to highlight it. With option 1, you can circle the point and add text. With options 2 and 3, you can change how the point is plotted, and change its shape, color, or size.

  1. Using an Observation label
    a) Having your scatter chart selected in the analysis tree, right-click on any point and select Add observation label.
    You can also go to Chart annotations > Annotations, select Observation label and click any point on chart to add an observation label.
    b) Double click on a label to change its content. For more information see: Dynamic text
    c) Edit the style of the label by ticking the 'Custom style' box under the Presentation properties panel.
  2. Plot the same scatter line again and only show the last value on the chart
    a) Open the Graph Layout and add another Line graph type with the same time series (make sure they are also in the same order).
    b) You will not have a line so you need to turn on markers for that line. Adjust the appearance by changing under Presentation properties > Graph style from Automatic to Custom, selecting Line: None and setting Marker style and its size.
    c) Keep that line selected. To limit the range displayed go to Presentation properties > Data range. You can show only the last value by typing position (i.e., #1) into both fields. Note you can also select more than one position and type in '#1' and '#3' leaving three points.
  3. Use formula language to turn entire series into a forecast, then change how forecast values are presented on the chart
    a) Type the following formula into the Series list or an inserted Formula analysis. This flags entire series as forecast :


    b) To change how forecast values are presented click on the graph in the Scatter chart, select Presentation properties > Appearance > Graph style: Custom > Forecast

How to show only one date/value in label?

Our labels use Dynamic text feature. The default text for a label is:

{s .Date -m -s " "}{s .ValueLabel -m -s " "}{s .Value}

On the right, under Dynamic properties, you can find 'All series' drop-down menu. There you can find alias for each series. In Macrobond they are named s1, s2, s3, etc. To show Date or Value for a specific series just add this alias before dynamic text:

{s s1.Date -m -s " "}{s s1.ValueLabel -m -s " "}{s s1.Value}

Category table


When you want to take a close look at individual values in your data, you can view your series in a table. When the series you’re viewing are category series, this will be a Category table. The first column of a category table displays the labels of the categories, and each column after that displays the values of each series in the document. In the analysis tree, you can add a category table after doing an analysis that outputs category series, such as Scalar or Slice.


Properties for Table

The table’s main properties are adjustable at the top of the window, under the Presentation Properties tab.


Here, you can change the order and format in which the time variable is presented, as well as lock the format in which the values are presented.

Checking the Oldest first option will reverse the default order of the category column.

Disable formatting locks the current format in which the series values are presented. When this box is checked, the formatting options scale and decimals, located in the table layout window, are disabled.

Date ranges

In a Category chart, scale adjusts what categories are displayed on the chart. Instead of typing dates into the display range, you should type absolute or relative index values such as '#1' or '-1'. If you select start at shortest or end at shortest, the display range of the chart will be adjusted based on the categories for which all series have values (if the chart includes more than one series).

Table layout

To access the table layout window, right-click anywhere on the table and select Table layout. Here, you can select which series to include or exclude in the table and adjust the order in which they’re presented. Unchecking the Auto box also enables you to change the number of decimals displayed and scale the values of the series.

Additional options

When you select all or part of your table and right-click, the following additional options are available.

Copying the data

You can copy the selected data in one of two ways:

  • Copy - creates a standard copy of the selected date and values of the table
  • Copy special - opens a window where you can specify advanced settings of the copy. For more information see Copy special from Time table

What analyses work with this chart type?

All types of analyses which remove time parameter and turn series into category series or use such series.


Graph samples

In this example we presented available types of charts.

Category chart

For elements not mentioned here see Elements of the chart.


A Category chart displays category series in columns, which are usually created by analyses such as Cross sampling, Scalar and Slice. Category series don’t have a time variable, but instead have category variables, such as countries. The x-axis of a category chart, therefore, displays the categories of the series in the chart.


Chart elements:

  1. Columns/Graph
  2. Main title
  3. Graph area
  4. Value axis (y-axis)
  5. Source logo & text
  6. Chart background (outside chart area)
  7. Category axis (x-axis)
  8. Legend

To edit any one of these components, click on it, and the available options will appear at the top of the window, under the presentation properties tab. For more information see Editing text parts of chart.

Category axis settings

Clicking on the x-axis gives you a variety of options under presentation properties. Here are some which are specific to category charts:



For the chart elements: Title, Axis, Legend, and Copyright/Source, controls the distance between the element and the next element in the direction of the chart. For the axes, the setting controls the distance between the tick marks (or axis if there are no tick marks) and the label texts.


This controls the space between the rows in the case the labels on the axis are written on two rows.


Here you can edit the way the scale is labelled.

The order of the categories on the x-axis depends on the analysis that produced the series. Unchecking automatic will allow you to use the Manual step option, where you can specify the number of visible category labels.

Uncheck Show value labels if you want to hide the category labels defined in the Scalar or Slice analysis.

Uncheck Show labels if you want to hide the x-axis labels altogether.


In a category chart, Scale adjusts what categories are displayed on the chart. Instead of typing dates into the display range, you should type absolute or relative index values such as #1 or -1. If you select Start at shortest or End at shortest, the display range of the chart will be adjusted based on the categories for which all series have values (if the chart includes more than one series).

For more information about scale please see Axis & Scale.

Value axis settings


Tick position

This controls the position of ticks or can turn it off. Next to this setting there is Minor tick marks panel where you can enable additional tick marks.


This setting controls the distance between the tick marks (or axis if there are no tick marks) and the label texts.


You can select here which y-axis will be the main - left or right. You can also synchronize them. For more information about it see Synchronize Axes.


In the scale group you can adjust the value range displayed on the axis by specifying the value. Note that here you must type the value in its full scale, not a abbreviated version seen on the axis. For more information about scale see Axis & Scale.

Chart settings

These settings can be accessed after clicking outside chart area.

Appearance > Margins

This panel of settings manages the distance between elements on the chart. Indentation defines the minimum distance from the leftmost/rightmost side of the chart and the left/right side of the graph area.

What analyses work with this chart type?

All types of analyses which remove time parameter and turn series into category series or use such series.


Graph samples

In this example we presented available types of charts.

Time table


When you want to take a close look at individual values in your data, you can view your series in a table. When these are time series, they will be presented in a time table. The first column of Time table displays the dates and each column after that displays the values of each series in the document. In the Analysis tree, you can add a table after the series list or after any analysis.


Properties for Table

The table’s main properties are adjustable at the top of the window, under the presentation properties tab.


Here, you can change the order and format in which the time variable is presented, as well as lock the format in which the values are presented.

Checking the Oldest first option will order the date column from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom. By default, dates are presented from newest to oldest.

Disable formatting locks the current format in which the series values are presented. When this box is checked, the formatting options scale and decimals, located in the table layout window, are disabled.

The setting under Period date is available when the frequency of your document is lower than daily. It determines the format in which the date for the period is presented in the table. There are three options here:

  • Label - displays the name of the entire period
  • First - displays the first date of the period
  • Last - uses last date of the period.

Date ranges

Here, you can change the first and last dates which are displayed in your table by typing in dates next to Display range.

If you select Start at shortest or End at shortest, the display range of the table will be adjusted based on the start or end date of the shortest series (if the table includes more than one series).

Table layout

To access the table layout window, right-click anywhere on the table and select Table layout (or use Ctrl+L). Here, you can select which series to include or exclude in the table and adjust the order in which they’re presented.

Unchecking the Auto box also enables you to change the number of decimals displayed and scale the values of the series. Include new series automatically option is by default checked, it means any new series added to document will be included in the time table. You can uncheck it, so new series won't be added automatically.

Additional options

When you select all or part of your table and right-click, the following additional options are available.

Copying the data

You can copy the selected data in one of two ways:

  • Copy - creates a standard copy of the selected date and values of the table
  • Copy special - opens a window where you can specify advanced settings of the copy. For more information see Copy special from Time table

Save series as in-house

You can save the selected data as an in-house series in two ways:

  • Save values - saves only the values that are visible in the table - this will create Account in-house
  • Save calculations - saves the calculations that resulted in the visible values - this will create Calculated in-house. If you save the calculations, new values can be automatically calculated and added to this in-house series

NOTE: Both Series name and Document name should start with a letter and contain only lower-case letters and numbers. Each should contain between 2 and 24 characters.

What analyses work with this chart type?

All types of analyses which keep time parameter.


Graph samples

In this example we presented available types of charts.

Time chart

For elements not mentioned here see Elements of the chart.


A Time chart can display graphs of series as lines or columns. The horizontal axis (x-axis) always displays time, and the vertical axis (y-axis) displays the value of the series at each point in time.

A time chart only displays series with the same frequency, i.e., the same number of observations per year. If you work with multiple series that have different original frequencies, their frequencies will be harmonized to a common one.


Chart elements:

  1. Line/Graph
  2. Main title
  3. Graph area
  4. Value axis (y-axis)
  5. Source logo & text
  6. Chart background (outside chart area)
  7. Time axis (x-axis)
  8. Legend

To edit any one of these components, click on it, and the available options will appear at the top of the window, under the presentation properties tab. For more information see Editing text parts of chart.

Time axis settings

Clicking on the x-axis gives you a variety of options under presentation properties. Here are some which are specific to Time charts:



For the chart elements: Title, Axis, Legend, and Copyright/Source, controls the distance between the element and the next element in the direction of the chart. For the axes, the setting controls the distance between the tick marks (or axis if there are no tick marks) and the label texts.


This controls the space between the rows in the case the labels on the axis are written on two rows.


Here, you can edit the way the scale is labelled.

The Automatic setting labels the scale with the frequency that allows for the best view. Unchecking it will allow you to use the Manual step option, where you can specify another frequency for the axis labels.

Detail limit allows you to choose a date format for the labels.

When Include century is unchecked, it’ll display only the last two digits of each year.

Allow month initials will allow the application to display only the first letter of each month when the 3-letter abbreviation doesn’t fit.

Uncheck Show labels if you want to hide the axis labels altogether.


In the Scale panel you can adjust the time range displayed on the axis by specifying start and end dates.

End margin specifies the percentage of the chart that will be visible between the end of the graph and the y-axis. If you

Select Start at shortest or end at shortest, the display range of the chart will be adjusted based on the start or end date of the shortest series (if the chart includes more than one series).

For more information about scale see Axis & Scale.

Value axis settings


Tick position

This controls the position of ticks or can turn it off. Next to this setting there is Minor tick marks panel where you can enable additional tick marks.


This setting controls the distance between the tick marks (or axis if there are no tick marks) and the label texts.


You can select here which y-axis will be the main - left or right. You can also synchronize them. For more information about it see Synchronize Axes.


In the scale group you can adjust the value range displayed on the axis by specifying the value. Note that here you must type the value in its full scale, not an abbreviated version seen on the axis. For more information about scale see Axis & Scale.

Chart settings

These settings can be accessed after clicking outside chart area.

Appearance > Margins

This panel of settings manages the distance between elements on the chart. Indentation defines the minimum distance from the leftmost/rightmost side of the chart and the left/right side of the graph area.

What analyses work with this chart type?

All types of analyses which keep time parameter.


Graph samples

In this example we presented available types of charts.


For specific elements see Elements of the chart.

Types of charts