Discontinued series

When the source discontinues its time series, we also change their status in our database. Most series are discontinued because:

  • The source introduced new methodology.
  • The source decided to stop publishing particular indicator.

What happens when series is being discontinued?

In our database

Series will appear in red-ish color and its status is changed to ‘Discontinued’ (visible in Time Series Information).

After discontinuation series might still be located in data-tree node next to new series. But it might happen that the whole release was discontinued as well. In such case, entire node might be removed from data-tree, but those series are still in our database. You can find them with 'Include discontinued' filter' through Search tab.

Files saved on Personal/Department/Company Account

Symbol will appear on chart tile. You can ignore it or open the document to delete or change the series.

How to find discontinued series?


In data-tree, enable the filtering option and tick 'Include discontinued series':

Search tab

In Search tab, choose 'Include discontinued' from the Filter drop-down list:

Then type in query and press 'Enter'.

Yellow bar

If on Series list you have a discontinued series, the yellow bar will appear above such document. You can click on it. New window will appear with information (if provided by the source) why series was discontinued and possible replacement.

You can opt-out from these warnings or automatically select alternative series. Note there is also an ‘replace all’ option.

When you select replacement series you can use 'Compare in Browse' button to see how much new series differ from old one. Then you can decide if you want to select alternative series.

How to connect old series with new one?

To connect series use formula:

Join(series1, series2)

It can be translated as Join(older series, newer series). After last value of series1 Macrobond will add values from series2 from the respective points in time.

This can also be modified by third parameter which will point exactly where to connect series':

Join(series1, series2, Start(series2))

Join(series1, series2, Date(yyyy, mm, dd))

For other types of joining series with formulas see All about extending series - Join().