Personal Data Protection

Information regarding processing of your personal data

The purpose of this privacy notice is to provide information on how Macrobond Financial AB (“Macrobond” or “we”) process your personal data when you access or use this service consisting of an application software comprising access to a general database with times series collected from data sources as well as additional third-party databases (the “Service”). We respect your privacy and protect the personal data we process about you. All processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”). The following describes how we collect, process, and share your personal data.

1. What personal data will be processed?

1.1 We will collect and process the following personal data about you (your “Personal Data”):

  • Log in credentials (e.g. username in form of e-mail address and password generated by Macrobond);
  • IP address;
  • Log files of your communication with the Macrobond servers and, whenever you contact Macrobond support, logs generated locally by the Macrobond application software;
  • Aggregated usage statistics of various features of the Service (e.g. statistical information about how many times a specific feature has been used during a period of time);
  • Results of user surveys.

1.2 As a general rule, we will collect the Personal Data directly from you through the Service. However, we may also collect your contact information from your employer (e.g. your colleagues) in order to provide you with information and access.

2. Why do we process your personal data?

2.1 We process your Personal Data for the following purposes:

  1. In order to provide you with access to the Service;
  2. In order to administrate and carry out requests from you regarding support or information about the Service;
  3. In order to troubleshoot and develop the Service and test new or updated features;
  4. In order to provide you with marketing.

2.2 The provision of your Personal Data is necessary to provide you with access to the Service. If you do not provide your Personal Data to us, we will not be able to give you access to the Service.

3. What are the legal grounds for processing your personal data?

3.1 The processing of your Personal Data for purpose 1 and 2 in Section 2.1 above is based on our legitimate interest. We have conducted a balance of interest test with the result that our legitimate interest to safeguard that the Service only is made available to authorized users and to ensure that such users can be provided with relevant information or support overweighs your interest in not having your Personal Data processed for such purposes.

3.2 The processing of your Personal Data for purpose 3 in Section 2.1 above is based on our legitimate interest. We have conducted a balance of interest test with the result that our legitimate interest to troubleshoot and develop the Service and test new or updated features overweighs your interest in not having your Personal Data processed for such purposes.

3.3 In addition, the processing of your Personal Data for purpose 4 in Section 2.1 above is also based on our legitimate interest. We have conducted a balance of interest test with the result that our legitimate interest to market and offer you our service and improve our business overweighs your interest in not having your Personal Data processed for such purpose.

3.4 You are always entitled to object to the assessments above. You can read more about your rights below.

4. Who has access to your personal data?

4.1 We have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your Personal Data against loss, destruction, unlawful access, etc. The number of persons with access to your Personal Data is limited. Only individuals associated with Macrobond that need to process your Personal Data in accordance with the purposes above will have access to your Personal Data.

4.2 We may share your Personal Data with other companies within the Macrobond Group, more specifically Macrobond companies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Hong-Kong, Poland, and Portugal in order to administrate your access to the Service, troubleshoot and develop the Service as well as test new or updated features.

4.3 We may also share your Personal Data with suppliers and partners that carry out services on our behalf such as our datacenters and hosting providers (Bahnhof AB, OVH and Leaseweb) and mailing service provider (Campaignmonitor).

4.4 Your Personal Data will be transferred to a country outside of EU/EEA such as the United States and Hong-Kong, which may have a lower level of protection than within the EU/EEA. The transfer is based on our legitimate interest and is needed to administrate your access to the Service, troubleshoot and develop the Service as well as test new or updated features. When transferring Personal Data to countries outside the EU/EEA, we use standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission to ensure a sufficient level of protection for your Personal Data. The standard contractual clauses can be found via the following link.

5. For how long is your personal data stored?

Your Personal Data will only be stored as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it is processed and as long as permitted or required according to local law. This means that your Personal Data will be stored for the following time:

  • Log-in credentials (e.g. username in form of e-mail address and password generated by Macrobond) – up to 3 years after your employer stops using Macrobond services;
  • IP addresses in logs – up to 1 year;
  • Any logs submitted to the Macrobond support – up to 2 years; and
  • Aggregated usage statistics of various features of the Service – only stored as aggregated anonymous data;
  • Result of user surveys - kept for up to 2 years.

6. What are your rights?

  • Macrobond Financial AB, reg. no. 556740-9817 address Dockplatsen 1, 211 19 Malmö is the data controller of your Personal Data. This means that we are responsible for your Personal Data being processed correctly and in accordance with applicable laws.
  • You are entitled to know what Personal Data we are processing about you and to request a copy of such data. In some cases, you may request that we delete your Personal Data. You are also entitled to have incorrect Personal Data corrected and to object to certain processing of your Personal Data as well as to request that the processing of your Personal Data be limited. Please note that deletion or limitation of your Personal Data may result in us not being able to provide you with access to the Service or not being able to provide you with support and/or information. If you have any objections or complaints about the way we process your Personal Data, you have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Sw. Datainspektionen).
  • If you have questions regarding how we process your Personal Data, you are welcome to contact us by mail to the address above, via our contact form or by phone +46 40 693 1711.

7. Changes

If any changes are made concerning the processing of your Personal Data, we will inform you of the changes by publishing an updated version of this privacy notice in the Service.